Delivery Information

The delivery time of your order depends on the availability of the product.

Worldwide shipping costs $16.

Delivery on Russia $4.

Delivery times will vary depending on the distance of the delivery country (the average delivery time is from 14-30 days).

The delivery time of the product, if available, is 1-3 business days from the date of payment.

If the product is under the order, the delivery time is increased by the time the product arrives at the warehouse.

The cost of delivery is not compensated in case of return of the product.

Delivery to our warehouse in case of return, you pay for yourself.

RU: Если вы являетесь гражданином России, то существует ограничение PayPal на оплату в долларах. Свяжитесь с нами по почте, и мы предложим вам оплату через систему Robokassa. Спасибо за понимание.

EN: If you are a citizen of Russia, then there is a PayPal restriction on payment in dollars. Contact us by mail and we will offer you payment through the Robokassa system. Thank you for understanding.